Shape Your Body

New Year often means New Year Resolution and I bet most of you have DIET on the list! Just because its winter doesn’t mean that you should hide yourself and neglect your’s some tips to beat those winter handles developing.

It's vital you have a nourishing diet and stay away from the typical winter comfort food that will bound to increase your weight and here’s how to:

1. Drink lots of water

2. Drink soups that are broth or tomato-based and contain lots of vegetables. Studies show that eating broth-based soup before a meal can fill you up and help you eat fewer calories during the meal

3. Have herbal teas it will fill you up and keep you warm instead of hot chocolates and milky teas and coffee’s, that large (480ml) full-cream latte contains 14g of fat and 1130kJ. Swap full-cream milk for skimmed milk

4. Winter can leave you feeling lethargic. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegies, at least two and five serves respectively per day. Fruit and veg are low in kilojoules and full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to keep you slim and healthy

5. Embrace exercise, sure, it's darker and colder outside, but that doesn't have to end your exercise routine! Regular exercise will improve your mood and help keep your weight stable.